
The Museum of Non Existing Things is the premier imaginary museum hosting a bewildering permanent collection of objects that do not exist, except on your screen and probably on some server somewhere. Or maybe in the cloud, whatever that is.

The MoNET is really just the creative portfolio of Sausalito designer, Jeff Carino. He wanted to have a place to showcase his work, but also as an experimental playground for his work in artificial intelligence. Pretty much everything you see here will have been created primarily in Midjourney, with a smattering of ChatGPT, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Squarespace. Jeff hopes you enjoy wandering the virtual galleries of fakery, silliness, and nonsense. But you should know that Jeff is a serious graphic designer and brand strategist. If you’d like to know more, drop him a line in the Contact section.

We look forward to not actually seeing you here.